
If you’re looking for some tools to help you get motivated, then you’ve come to the right place. Tipss.org is a site dedicated to helping you find the motivation that you need to go out there, take action, and achieve your goals and dreams.

What stops most people from living the life that they want usually comes down to a lack of either correct strategy or a lack of action. The self improvement tips will give you insights on strategy while the motivational resources will help get you pumped, psyched up, and motivated to follow through on your plan.

If you’re more of a visual person, check out the videos we have on this site. If you’re looking for some great songs to get you pumped, head over to the music section. If you’re just looking for some motivational or inspirational quotes to give your spirits a quick lift, this site has tons of those as well. Stories, poems, articles, words of encouragement from motivational speakers, it’s all here.

Let’s kick it off with this awesome motivational movie clip about breaking limitations.